New study found reduced HAPI rates

New study found reduced HAPI rates in hospitals employing WOCNCB® Certified Nurses read more

The Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (JWOCN®) is the premier publication for wound, ostomy and continence practice and research. The Journal's mission is to publish current best evidence and original research to guide the delivery of expert health care.

  • Hospitals employing wound care specialty certified nurses (CWON, CWCN, CWOCN) had lower HAPI rates and better pressure injury risk assessment and prevention practices.
  • Stage 3 and 4 HAPI occurrences among hospitals employing CWOCNs, CWCNs, and CWONs were nearly half the rate of hospitals not employing these nurses.

 Read more and share the open-access article here.

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