Nurse at the Capital
Important News from the Public Policy Committee

Every day, policies are enacted by state and federal legislators that can have a long-term impact on patient health and well-being. The WOCNCB Public Policy Committee helps you identify and respond to the issues that affect you and your patients.
Legislative Events for Nurses
National Nurses Day is celebrated on May 6 each year as the start of National Nurses Week. The day is intended to honor and recognize nurses for the contributions they make to society. Events are held in many states to lobby legislators on issues that are important to nurses and their patients, and there is a national lobby day at the Capitol in Washington, DC. Visit the American Nurses Association’s website for a list of state chapters to learn more about upcoming activities, and watch for details here about 2018 activities and events for National Nurses Day.
The WOCNCB's Public Policy web page has more links to resources that can help you become more politically knowledgeable and active.