Wound Treatment Associate-Certified

The level of knowledge and experience you have earned is invaluable to your patients. As a member of a collaborative wound care team, those skills enhance others’ ability to provide optimal care for patient with acute and chronic wounds.

The WTA-C® was developed to meet the growing need for certified, wound treatment nurses that have been trained by a CWOCN®, to provide daily patient monitoring, pressure ulcer prevention and basic wound management under the direct supervision of a Licensed Independent Practitioner.

Why Certify as a WTA-C (Wound Treatment Associate - Certified)?  A statement defining WTA-C certification.

Upon passing the wound treatment associate exam  individuals receive their WTA-C® credential. Certification must be re-established every five (5) years.

Considering WTA-C certification?  Download Candidate Examination Handbook here. The candidate handbook is a 56 page document.

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The Candidate Exam Handbook details:

  • eligibility requirements
  • the application process
  • exam content
  • general WOCNCB policies.

Review Eligibility and Exam information.

The Value of Certification Nurses
The Value of Certification Administrators
The Value of Certification Consumers

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